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Natalia Shakhovskaya: Davïdov - At the fountain op 20/2

DAVÏDOV, Karl Yul´yevich

4 Pieces for cello and piano op. 20

2. Am Springbrunnen (At the Fountain)


Natalia Shakhovskaya, professor

Fernando Arias Fernández, student

Miguel Ángel Ortega Chavaldas, accompanying pianist


Tempo is a little faster and the student should pronounce the détaché more. They review the fingerings of certain passages. The stroke with the bow is more decisively and he has to avoid accents in repeated notes. A poor fingering is detrimental to clearness, so each passage must be thoroughly reviewed when we have shiftings. Attention to the change to part B, the student must correctly measure the end of A. In this part B the sound is wider. The teacher gives indications of phrasing and dynamics and explains the progressive intensity that must be given to the anacruses. They work on the transition to the minor mode, which also should not be so forte. In the cantabile the phrasing is held until the end. We must take more advantage of the regulators. The final chords arpeggiato are played with a little more intention and controlling the final diminuendo. In general, nuances should be emphasized because playing quickly always softens all the details. For fast passages, the student needs to find the exact contact point to be comfortable while playing, and then hold it.

Language: Russian-Spanish (simultaneus translation)