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Projects and Alliances

The goal of the Reina Sofía School of Music is to educate and nurture young talents from all around the world, and bring music closer to society. As part of its initiatives, the School is a member of various national and internacional institutions, and takes part in projects that seek to develop musical education and address the challenges young musicians face today.

Asociación Española de Centros Superiores de Enseñanzas Artísticas

The Asociación Española de Centros Superiores de Enseñanzas Artísticas (ACESEA) brings together arts higher-education centres, including the main conservatories and higher-level music schools, as well as other artistic fields, such as dance and design. Since february 2023, the School is part of the Governing Board.



 Association Européene des Conservatoires

The Association Européenne des Conservatoires (AEC) AEC is the leading voice for Higher Music Education in Europe, and sees professionally focused arts education as a quest for excellence in three areas: artistic practice; learning and teaching; ­­research and innovation. It seeks to foster these elements and to encourage the diversity and dynamism with which they are pursued in different institutions, countries and regions.



New Skills 4 New Artists

New Skills 4 New Artists is a project conceived with the aim of promoting the acquisition of digital, business, and technological skills by musicians starting their professional career. This Erasmus + project is funded by the European Union through SEPIE and is led by the Reina Sofía School of Music (Spain) in partnership with Munster Technological University (Ireland), Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel (Belgium) and Grupo DEX (Spain).



Digital Skills 4 Music Teachers

The Digital Skills 4 Music Teachers (DISK) project, led by the Reina Sofía School of Music, in partnership with Munster Technological University (Ireland), University of Tartu (Estonia), and Grupo DEX (Spain), was created in response to the challenges faced in music education during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the urgent need for training adapted to the artistic education context.

Digital Skills 4 Music Teachers

The Digital Skills 4 Music Teachers (DISK) project, led by the Reina Sofía School of Music, in partnership with Munster Technological University (Ireland), University of Tartu (Estonia), and Grupo DEX (Spain), was created in response to the challenges faced in music education during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the urgent need for training adapted to the artistic education context.

Sir Elton John Global Exchange Programme

The Reina Sofía School of Music takes part in the Sir Elton John Global Exchange Programme that goes live in September 2022. The programme, endorsed by Elton John, alumnus of the Royal Academy of Music, will promote global mobility and international collaboration between deserving and talented young musicians. The scheme will enable students from twelve of the top conservatoires in the world to take part in educational exchanges with the Royal Academy. These will vary in length from one week of intensive project-based work to, in exceptional cases, a full year of study.

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The Reina Sofía School of Music and the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) have developed the University Expert Degree in Musical Appreciation, which provides its students with the knowledge and experiences to better understand and appreciate the main musical styles: classical, opera, jazz, rock / pop / folk, flamenco and contemporary music. The goal is for students to acquire or increase their ability to appreciate and enjoy music. The program is taught by professionals of recognized prestige in the musical field.



Young Music Talents in Europe

YMTE is a membership association for specialised schools and organisations within pre-college music education that provide high level musical training to a level appropriate for entrance into higher music education, if a pupil so should choose.

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Asociación Española de Orquestas Sinfónicas

The Asociación Española de Orquestas Sinfónicas (AEOS) is a non-profit assocation founded in 1993 that gathers 35 symphony orchestras: 28 professional orchestras, 2 youth orchestras and 1 international orchestra. Furthermore, since 2019 it includes 4 other orchestras from music schools and freelance programes. The goal of AEOS is to foster and develop cooperation between its member orchestras and serve as a meeting point and information and learning hub. 




The European Network of Opera Academies (ENOA), which the Reina Sofía School of Music is a member of, stems from the wish of various institutions of the operatic world (academies, festivals, foundations, and opera producers) of strengthening their collaboration in helping young artists of great talent start their professional careers and reach their artistic goals.

UE        NS4NA


New Skills 4 New Artists

New Skills 4 New Artists has been conceived with the goal of helping starting musicians acquire digital, technological and management skills. This project, financed by the European Union through its programme Erasmus +, is led by the Reina Sofía School of Music in association with the Cork Institute of Technology (Ireland), Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussels (Belgium) and Grupo DEX (Spain).



 Teatro Real

El Teatro Real está considerado como la primera institución de las artes escénicas y musicales en España, situándose como ópera nacional de referencia y como una de las principales instituciones culturales españolas. De la colaboración con la Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía han nacido proyectos musicales como el Ciclo Jóvenes Talentos Fundación Banco Sabadell. 


 Aspen Institute

Aspen Institute España is a foundation dedicated to promoting values-based leadership and reflection on issues critical to the future of society. It provides a pluralistic and balanced forum for the discussion of issues of general interest among people who aspire to put their ideas into action. Its activities focus on programs, seminars and conferences.


Advisory Board for the Arts

The Advisory Board for the Arts (ABA) brings to arts organizations a completely new approach to identifying and implementing breakthrough ideas, benefiting from the leading ideas and practices of other industries through a distinctive, insight-driven, shared-learning network for arts organizations.



Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza

The Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza is the fifth most visited museum in Spain and one of the top cultural institutions in the country. The Thyssen Museum and the Reina Sofía School collaborate through their Friend Programmes, providing joint benefits to both groups, bringing music and arts lovers together.



Asociación Española de Fundaciones

The Asociación Española de Fundaciones (AEF) is a private and independent association of national scope. It groups 802 Spanish foundations for all sizes, areas of action and purposes. It is the most representative entity nationally and the second most important in Europe. Its mission is to work for the development and strengthening of the foundations in Spain. 



Círculo Fortuny

The Círculo Fortuny is a non-profit organization with the aim of bringing together the Spanish prestigious cultural and creative brands in a common forum to collectively promote and defend their shared values. In addition, the association enhances the image of Spanish luxury brands beyond their borders, and represents and defends the particularity of this sector as a powerful engine of the Spanish economy.

Círculo Fortuny

Video alliances

With the goal of fostering music education and broadcasting its rich video and audio archive, the Reina Sofía School collaborates with various video platforms, such as CaixaForum+Naxos, Stingray, Selecta, IdagioAllegro HD and My Opera Player. 

CaixaForum+, developed by Fundación La Caixa, is a free platform for non-fiction science and culture content. Naxos, through the Naxos Video Library, provides some of our best masterclasses to education centres. Stringray Stingray offers both great concerts and masterclasses from the School in its catalogue, along with other important music institutions. Selecta and My Opera Player, the VOD platform developed by the Teatro Real, also include top concerts from the School's archive. Caixaforum +, a free platform for non-fiction science and culture content.

 Naxos         Stingray Classica          Selecta           My Opera Player


Allegro HD          Idagio