Bachelor’s Degree in Music

The general objective of Bachelor’s degree in music is the qualified training of professionals who master the knowledge of music and adopt the necessary attitudes that make them competent to integrate into the different professional fields of this discipline. These studies are instituted within the European Higher Education Area and the Bologna Plan; they are comparable to a university degree, as established in article 54 of Organic Law 2/2006 on Education.


For those students who wish to pursue a career as performers, there are 3 types of possible itineraries in the specialty of Interpreting. Each one of these reflects the special features of each instrument, but what they have in common is the School’s commitment to personalized instruction that strives for excellence and aspires to train complete artists:

Likewise, for those students seeking a career as composers, the School offers a specialty in Composition.

Basic training subjects such as Analysis, Harmony, Ear training, History of Music, and Aesthetics and Philosophy of Music will be taken, completing the curriculum with other subjects of a more practical nature and specific to each itinerary such as Repertoire with accompanying pianist, Practices orchestral, Chamber music, etc.

Click here to see the list of elective subjects..

Click here to see the teaching guides.


The study program consists of 240 European Credits (ECTS) divided into 4 academic courses.

Demographics and access

It will be offered to students over 18 years of age or who meet them in the same year in which they will begin their studies.

In addition to the audition, the students must take a specific entrance exam, the contents of which will be directly related to their musical discipline.

Artistic engagement

Students are expected to participate in all orchestra projects, chamber groups and any other activity programmed by the School for their benefit. Being absent without a justified permission could put at risk their continuity at School.

Academic path

Entry into the Bachelor's Degree will be made through the School's regular annual audition process. Upon graduation with the Bachelor's Degree, the student will finish his/her studies at the School.

To access other study programs at the School, the student must submit the corresponding application and successfully pass the selection process:

  • Progression to the official Master's program will be carried out only through the annual audition process, submitting an application in an ordinary way.


Click here to see the selection process and how to apply for an entrance audition.

Access requirements to the Bachelor's Degree

In order to access Bachelor's Degree studies in Higher Artistic Education, one of the following requirements must be accredited (Law 1/2024, of 7 June):

  • High school degree*.
  • Higher artistic education degree.
  • University degree or higher technician title.
  • A degree declared equivalent or homologated to these qualifications.
  • Have passed the university entrance exam for people over 25 years of age.

The qualifications that allow access to official higher artistic education leading to the Bachelor’s Degree in Music are the following:

  • High school degree.*
  • Have passed the university entrance exam for people over 25 years of age.
  • Higher artistic education degree.
  • College degree.
  • Higher Technician Title.
  • In those cases in which none of the above requirements are met and there is a minimum age of 18 years, a maturity test may be attended.

* In the case of students who have obtained the Bachelor's degree abroad, they must homologate it at the Ministry of Education or at the Education Departments of the Spanish Embassies abroad.

Recognition of studies

International students that want to course our Bachelor's or Master's degrees must have their previous studies recognised. For more information, consult the sections of the Spanish Ministry of Education on Recognition of non-university studies (website available only in Spanish) and the Recognition of foreign university degrees (website available only in Spanish).

The homologation process must be started in person at the Spanish Consulate of the country of origin, or at the Ministry of Education in Madrid. The application for homologation should be submitted before September 1st.

The documents required for the homologation of studies and Bachelor's degrees are the following:

  • Verified copy of the identity document. It will not be necessary to provide a copy of the DNI / NIE if you authorize your query.
  • In case of acting through a representative, authorization to the same to act on your behalf and a verified copy of your identity document.
  • Verified copy of the official foreign degree or diploma or of the official certification accrediting the passing of the corresponding final exams.
  • Verified copy of the accrediting certification of the courses taken, stating the subjects followed, the grades obtained and the academic years in which the respective courses were taken.

IMPORTANT: The documents must be official and, where appropriate, be duly legalized and accompanied by an official translation into Spanish.

The verified copies are made at the time of submitting the application and / or documentation in any registry of a Spanish administration, presenting the original (which is returned once the document has been scanned). The verified copy must be made once the originals are legalized.


Order 2369/2011, of 10th of June, which regulates, for the Community of Madrid, the specific test of access to the Higher Artistic Education of Degree regulated by Organic Law 2/2006, of 3rd of May, of Education.

Teaching Centre Authorization

Instructions from the General Directorate of Artistic Education regulating the organization and functioning of the 2024-2025 academic year in higher education centres for artistic studies in the Community of Madrid