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Maximiano Valdés: Wagner - Siegfried Idyll for chamber orchestra WWV 103

WAGNER, Richard

Siegfried Idyll for chamber orchestra WWV 103


Maximiano Valdés, guest conductor

Orquesta de Cámara Sony de la Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía


Maestro Valdés works in depth all the expressive details contained in this piece. The students must listen to the speed of the first two notes. The high B should be played with more vibrato, as playing in a string quartet. He gives indications to the concertmaster to lead the phrasing. The crescendos must be held on the strings so as not to cover the flute, and the first horn must listen to the strings to go all together. He corrects bowings in the second violins. Maestro Valdés insists on the first rule of the orchestral musician: listen to each other. The harmony should be much more defined and the pizzicati go with the tempo, the resolution in the coral should be unnoticed, like an unexpected metamorphosis. In order not to lose character, the bowings must be with accents. Valdés corrects horn tuning and rhythm and tempo issues. Triplets on violins are very staccato and must match woods and trumpets.

Language: Spanish