Javier Huerta Gimeno

Javier Huerta Gimeno

Born in Valencia, Spain, in 1990. Since 2024, he studies at the Reina Sofía School of Music's "Zubin Mehta" Conducting Chair with professor Nicolás Pasquet. He has been granted a scholarship by Fundación Albéniz.

He began his musical training at the age of five at the Conservatory of Valencia studying piano, percussion, cello and French horn. At the age of 17, he started his higher education in orchestra conducting at the Joaquin Rodrigo Conservatory in Valencia with Manuel Galduf, and he later focused on cello, ending his training with Asier Polo and María Casado in Musikene. Afterwards, he continued his Master and Konzertexamen studies with Maria Kliegel at the Cologne Conservatory.

His numerous achievements as a cellist include first award at the Janáček Competition in Brno and his position as Stellv.Solo-Cello in the Staatskapelle Weimar.

Javier has studied a Master's Degree in Orchestral Conducting with professors Nicolás Pasquet and Eckhart Wycik at the Hochschule für Musik Weimar. He has also received artistic training from conductors such as Johannes Schlaefli, Johannes Klumpp, Yaron Traub, Cristóbal Soler, Juan Luis Martínez, George Pelhivanian, and Jens Georg Bachmann.

As an assistant, he has worked with conductors such as Dominik Beykirch, Bertrand de Billy, Stanley Dodds, and Nicolas Pasquet.

As conductor, Javier regularly collaborates with European orchestras such as the Staatskapelle Weimar, Gödngen Symphony Orchestra, Jena Philharmonic, Thuringia Philharmonic, AnhalSsche Philharmonie Dessau, Philharmonisches Orchester Landestheater Coburg, Philharmonie Hradec Králové, and Landesjugendorchester Schleswig-Holstein, among others.

Since 2023, Javier is the Chief Conductor of the Gödngen Musikfreunde Orchestra.