Fundación Ramón Areces Concert. Singing recital

Thursday 13th of June, 2024
Auditorio Sony, Madrid

The Ramón Areces Foundation, patron of the School's ‘Alfredo Kraus’ Chair of Singing, offers an extraordinary concert every year as the culmination of the academic year, in which the singing students will tackle a wide and varied programme.

Since its creation in 1994, the Cátedra de Canto ‘Alfredo Kraus’ Fundación Ramón Areces has made it possible for moren than a hundred young singers from the Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía to develop their talent to the maximum. Almost without exception, all of them are today living satisfactory musical careers, some as outstanding as those of Aquiles Machado, Milagros Poblador, Iwona Sobotka, Ismael Jordi, Francisco Corujo, Gabriel Bermúdez, Celso Albelo or Davinia Rodríguez

Free admission until full capacity is reached.

Friends of the School can reserve their tickets in advance. Find out more about the Friends Programme here.

The concert can also be enjoyed live on our Youtube channel.

