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Laia Masramon

One of the most renowned spanish pianists and fortepianists nowadays, she has played at the main auditoriums from Spain, as well as in Portugal, France, England, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Tunisia, Colombia and United States, at festivals such as Santander, Peralada, Solistes de l’Europe from Brussels, Open Chamber Music Festival at IMS Prussia Cove, The Oxford Philomusica International Piano Festival, Ittingen Kartause of Switzerland, Temple University of Philadelphia, Barcelona’s Auditorium, Madrid National Auditorium, Freunde Alter Musik of Basel or the King’s Place Concert Hall of London. 
She studied with M.Noguera, C.Julià, Ramon Coll, Galina Eguiazarova (2001-2006, Reina Sofía Superior Music School) and Edoardo Torbianelli (Máster in Fortepiano and Historical Performance, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis). Masterclasses with Ferenc Rados, Krystian Zimerman, Alícia de Larrocha, András Schiff, etc.  
She offered her first recital when she was 11. When she was 15, L.Foster selected her to perform as a soloist with the Barcelona Symphony Orchestra, and at the age of 17 she made her début at Palau de la Música of Barcelona. As a soloist she also played with the Spanish National Orchestra, Castilla y León Symphonic Orchestra, Prague Philarmonie Orchestra, Musikè Ensemble, Capriccio Barockorchester or Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra, conducted by James Judd, Hans Graf, Jakub Hrusa, Junichi Hirokami, Peter Csába, Edmon Colomer, Rubén Gimeno, Facundo Agudín, Jean-Bernard Pommier and Alejandro Posada (concertos by C.P.E.Bach, J.S.Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Shostakovich). In chamber music she playes quartet with Erich Höbarth, Hariolf Schlichtig and Christoph Richter, duo with the soprano Eugenia Boix, and played with musicians like Maurice Bourgue, Sergio Azzolini, Radovan Vlatkovic, Hansjörg Schellenberger or Carmina Quartett among european halls. 
Since 2006 she combines her concert career with an intense activity as a piano teacher. She is piano Professor at the Superior Degree and the Master in Solo Performance at Katarina Gurska Superior Music Center (Madrid), and teaches piano and chamber music masterclasses in Spain, Colombia, Tunisia and Andorra. She recorded for SONY España and IBS Classical.