María Martín Campos

María Martín Campos

Born in Irún, Spain, in 1996. Since 2022, she studies at the Reina Sofía School of Music’s “Alfredo Kraus” Fundación Areces Voice Chair, first with professor Susan Bullock CBE, and currently with professor Juliane Banse. She has been granted a scholarship by Fundación Albéniz.

She has studied singing in Musikene, Parma Conservatorio di Música Arrigo Boito, Italy, and the Francisco Escudero Professional Music Conservatory in San Sebastián with professors Maite Arruabarrena, Javier Pérez de Azpeitia, Maciej Pikulski, Adriana Cicogna, and Raffaele Cortesi, among others. She has also attended masterclasses by Ana Luisa Chova, Celia Alcedo, Ainhoa Garmendia, David Mason, Paul Smith, and Anne Sofie Von Otter. She currently teaches at the Easo Choir in San Sebastián.

She was granted Audience Award at the 8th Medinaceli International Singing Competition, first prize in her speciality at the 9th and 11th Euskadi Young Performers Competition and second prize at the 2017 Intercentros Melómano Competition.

Among her performances, she appeared as Zerlina in Mozart’s Don Giovanni, at the Auditorio Kursaal under the baton of Iker Sánchez. She has also been soloist in Mahler’s 4th Symphony and Rutter’s Magnificat with the EGO Orchestra under the baton of Juan José Ocón.

As a student of the School, she has performed within Spain's World Heritage Cities Chamber Music series (Úbeda), within the Soloists of the 21st century series and at the Gran Teatre del Liceu.