Albert Kuchinski

Albert Kuchinski

Born in Paris in 2002, Albert Kuchinski is currently studying in the class of Marc Coppey in master degree at the Paris Conservatoire (CNSMDP), he has received advice from many renowned musicians, including cellists François Salque, Philippe Muller and Lluis Claret, during masterclasses, and has taken part in several festivals in France and abroad. He plays in diverse formations, from small ensembles to symphony orchestras, from early to new music. He collaborates regularly with young composers and plays works by major figures in contemporary music such as Tristan Murail, Unsuk Chin and Steve Reich, both as soloist and in ensemble. Equally passionate about the chamber music, in 2020, Albert Kuchinski formed the Luminescence trio with violinist Raphaël Garac and pianist Antonin Bonnet.