Ciclo "Generación Talento"

Generación Talento: Sevan Gharibian and Ramsés Martínez

Thursday 27th of March, 2025
Palacio de Congresos "Manuel Rojas", Badajoz

This concert is the result of the collaboration between the Reina Sofía School of Music and the Orquesta de Extremadura, thanks to which the students of the School have the opportunity to perform with the OEX, within its Generación Talento series.

On this occasion, the public will be able to enjoy the creative contribution of composer Sevan Gharibian, with the world premiere of his work Saccidānanda, and the interpretative quality of double bassist Ramsés Martínez, who will perform as soloist Bottesini's Concerto for double bass and orchestra No. 1. The orchestra will be conducted by Ana María Patiño-Osorio.


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Mar 28 20:00h

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