Piano and flute recital

Friday 26th of July, 2024
Centro Cultural Conde de San Diego, Cabezón de la Sal

The Santander Encounter of Music and Academy brings together the world's leading music masters with the promising talents of tomorrow. The artistic director of the Encounter, conductor Péter Csaba, personally selects each participant through auditions held at the most prestigious schools in Europe.

In Santander, around seventy of these young musicians work with their teachers in masterclasses and rehearsals in the mornings, and then share the stage with them in the afternoons in a series of very special concerts.

The result of their classroom work is then showcased in a concert series where teachers and students share the stage. The concert programme takes place in the Argenta and Pereda halls of the Palacio de Festivales, in the Palacio de la Magdalena, as well as in various venues across about twenty locations in Cantabria.


    • BACH, Johann Sebastian
    • LISZT, Franz
      • Années de pèlerinage, prémière année, Suisse for piano S 160
    • SKRYABIN, Alexander
    • RAVEL, Maurice
      • La valse, poème chorégraphique for orchestra (transcription for piano by M. Ravel and S. Jordania)